Saturday, October 11, 2008

Apple brunch at the Broad Brook Grange

Head on over to the Broad Brook Grange in beautiful Guilford, Vermont this Sunday, October 12, for an all-you-can-eat brunch. Sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes, and other goodies are sure to satisfy your morning appetite.

  • When: 10/12/2008, 7 AM - 1 PM
  • Adults: $9
  • Seniors: $8
  • Kids 2-12: $5
  • Under 2: FREE
On Guilford Center Rd, four miles west of the Country Store in Guilford.

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Extreme gardening

Yikes. That's a mighty big pumpkin. From NPR:

In the middle of Connolly's front lawn sits a pumpkin nearly the size of a stagecoach or an old Volkswagen beetle. He calls it the "Beast from the East," and he's been coddling it for months. Connolly – who refers to the pumpkin in the feminine — feeds "her" a diet of liquid fish, seaweed, compost, grass clippings, guano and manure. At night, he covers the pumpkin with queen-sized blankets to keep it warm.

I wonder if it would eat my compost.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Martti Ahtisaari wins Nobel Peace Prize

As a Finnish descendant, I have an interest in the doings of Finns. Martti Ahtisaari, the 10th president of Finland, has received the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomatic work. Like my father, Ahtisaari was born in Karelia and was displaced when the region was invaded by the Soviets. That experience shaped his sentiment to advance peace and to help those who have gone through the same hardships. Not to mention that Finns are notoriously laid back:

A visitor to the capital from the north attributed Ahtisaari's success in diplomacy to the Finnish qualities of patience, calmness and tenacity, adding: "He's a Finn - we never give up, we stay cool and we listen without interrupting."
-- Nobel peace prize boosts Finland, BBC News, 10/10/2008

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Kudos for Moby-Dick

The Massachusetts state legislature has passed a bill to make Moby-Dick the state's official "epic novel". Yay. I love it when great literature is recognized at an official level. It lends some justification to all the coffee I had to pass through my system in college to get through those tomes (including Moby-Dick!). But I wonder what literary work might become Vermont's official novel? I'm hard pressed to think of any book that relates to Vermont like Moby-Dick does to Massachusetts. Yes, we've had a few famous authors in residence (Rudyard Kipling, Sinclair Lewis, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn come to mind), but their great works were either written before they came to Vermont (like Lewis's Main Street and Elmer Gantry and Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich) or have nothing to with Vermont at all (like Kipling's The Jungle Books). I guess we just might have to wait for the "great Vermont novel" to be written.

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